Frysafe Workshop: “Frying Oils: Quality Control & Consumer Protection”, 14 October 2015, Thessaloniki, Greece
A workshop entitled “Frying Oils: Quality Control & Consumer Protection” took place in the framework of Frysafe project on 14 October 2015 in Thessaloniki Greece. The Workshop was attended by more than 180 participants
The main issues discussed included:
- FRYSAFE Project: Objectives & Achievements
- Industrial production of potato chips: oils, production process & quality control
- Rapid Tests for the evaluation of frying oils quality
- FRYSAFE: a Novel Rapid Method for the Determination of Frying Oil Quality
- Frying process, oils degradation and effects on consumers health
- Effect of food and oil on the frying oils degradation
- Waste frying oils for biodiesel production
Here are some of the workshop highlights...